Alger County Collection of Links
General Collections of Genealogy Links
Places to Search Records Online
- FamilySearch - from the LDS Family History Library, the world's largest genealogical collection
- USGenWeb Project
- USGenWeb Archives - Genealogists from around the U.S. are transcribing cemetery records, census records, vital records, family bibles, letters, and biographies and placing them in the US GenWeb Archives for all to see and use. A goldmine of information!
- Canada GenWeb Project
- French-Canadian Genealogy Books Online - Scanned collection of history, bibliography and genealogy books downloadable from the National Library of Quebec.
- RootsWeb Surname List - searchable index of about 173,000 surnames submitted by over 18,000 researchers
- National Archives Search - search the partial, but growing online catalog of the National Archives. Includes over 106,000 digital photo and document images which may be viewed and printed online.
- Michigan Cemetery Index Online - Search Michigan Cemeterys
- Michigan Death Records 1867-1882 - includes all information from the record - not just an index! Additional transcriptions are being added regularly, and the database is planned to cover deaths through 1897 when completed.
- General Land Office Land Patents Search - search online for land patent records in your ancestor's name in federal land patent states (including Michigan and much of the midwest). If you have an image viewer on your computer, you may download and view the actual document!
- 1871 Ontario Census Index
- Ontario Cemetery Finding Aid - a searchable index of over 2 million interments in over 2,000 cemeteries
- British Columbia Cemetery Finding Aid - searchable index of over 100,000 interments in 141 cemeteries
- JewishGen Family Finder - database of towns and surnames being researched by Jewish genealogists worldwide
- Christine's Genealogy Site - a wealth of information for African-American genealogical research