Alger County Seed Library – Growing Together


  • To create and maintain a local source for Non-GMO heirloom seeds that are suited for the local climate and growing season.
  • To provide information about the importance of Seed-Saving and self sustainability for the benefit of the local community.
  • To provide programming to better inform patrons about the benefits of growing their own food with methods that are environmentally safe.
  • To place seeds into the hand of a hungry individual and thus provide the knowledge and ability to change their state with the hope that they will pay it forward.


  • Seeds are free for Library Cardholders to “Check Out”, Please bring your selections to the circulation desk.
  • A limit of 8 packets per cardholder/one per variety. 
  • Instructions for Seed Saving are in the Seed Library Binder and available as a handout.
  • Learn to save seeds and then Share your seeds with the library to keep our local seed library going strong.
  • More information can be found on our webpage at
  • More info online at or at