Patron Standards of Behavior Policy

Patron Standards of Behavior Policy

Date approved: January 18, 2017

Purpose of Policy

Munising School Public Library (MSPL) is dedicated to providing the people of Alger County and Munising School District with open access to ideas and information that are fundamental to our democracy.  A patron has the right to a safe, pleasant, and orderly environment without the interference of others in the library.  Therefore each person on the library premises is expected to comply with these Standards of Behavior that respect the rights of others, as well as the community resources of the library.

MSPL serves the Munising Public Schools and the public.  The library is located in the Munising Middle/High School building, thus the library’s patrons are school students, faculty, staff, and the general public.

Standards of Civil Behavior

Public library patrons, Munising Middle/High School students, faculty, staff, and library staff are expected to obey all of the laws and ordinances of the United States, the State of Michigan, and the City of Munising. 

The staff of MSPL reserves the right to require any patron to verify his/her identity upon request of the MSPL staff or Library Director.

A parent or guardian is responsible for his or her child’s behavior in the library, even if the parent or guardian is not with the child.

Patrons must leave the area at least as clean and tidy as they found it.  Books, periodicals, and digital materials should be placed on the cart to be re-shelved.

If a fire drill or tornado drill occurs while the public library is open, patrons must follow instructions completely. If the school building is locked down for a safety or security reason, patrons must remain in the library until the lock-down is lifted.

Patrons must leave MSPL before or at closing time.

Munising Middle/High School students are required to follow the school’s Code of Conduct.1

Unacceptable behaviors include:

  • Intentionally destroying, damaging, defacing, or illegally removing library materials or property.
  • Bringing weapons into the library.  See Munising Public School Weapons Policy2
  • Smoking, vaping, or using illegal drugs on library property, including the parking lot.
  • Entering the library under the influence of alcohol and/or illegal drugs/substances, or bringing alcohol and/or illegal substances onto library premises, including the parking lot.
  • Leaving children under 8 years unaccompanied by a responsible caregiver (see Unattended Child Policy).
  • Selling, soliciting funds, or panhandling in the library building, on the grounds or in the parking lot, except with permission of the Library Director.
  • Campaigning, petitioning, distributing leaflets, interviewing, conducting surveys, and similar activities without prior approval of the Library Director.
  • Posting or leaving materials, including but not limited to posters, leaflets, and notices, without prior approval of the Library Director or designee (see Posting Policy).
  • Entering without being completely clothed (including shirt and shoes). Swimsuits must be covered with clothing.  MSPL students must follow the school dress code1.
  • Engaging in annoying behavior such as loud conversations, interfering with activities of other patrons or staff, shouting, and using cell phones in inconsiderate manner (see Cell Phone Use Policy).
  • Disturbing or harassing other patrons or staff by threatening behavior such as: following or stalking patrons or staff in the library building or the parking lot, staring fixedly or leering at staff or other patrons.
  • Behaving in obscene manner, using obscene language, or displaying obscene materials.
  • Threatening violence or abusing others physically or verbally.
  • Creating a disturbance or potentially unsafe situation by behavior such as yelling, running, throwing objects, misusing the library facilities, lying on the floor, playing in or around the dumpster or along the tops of walls, etc.
  • Bringing food into the library, except as approved by the Library Director or his or her designee.  Beverages must be in covered containers.
  • Bringing bicycles, skateboards (or comparable wheeled device), or sleds into the library.  
  • Bringing an animal into the building, except a Service Animal (see Animal Policy) or leaving an animal unattended outside for more than 15 minutes.
  • Photographing library patrons, staff, facilities, and/or programs without prior permission from the Library Director.
  • Using the library as a place to bathe or to wash personal items.
  • Entering the library if one’s bodily hygiene is so offensive that it constitutes a nuisance to patrons and staff.
  • Expecting staff to be responsible for personal items or leaving personal items in the library.  These items will be treated as lost. Smaller items will be kept in Lost and Found for up to two months. Larger items will be turned over to the Munising City Police after 24 hours.
  • Taking library materials or equipment into a bathroom.
  • Leaving the library through the interior door to Munising Middle/High School, except students, faculty, and staff who have entered through that door.

Withholding Library Privileges to Patrons Who Do Not Follow these Standards of Behavior

Michigan Statute3 grants the Board of Education of the Munising Public Schools the authority to exclude from use of MSPL any person who shall willfully violate rules and regulations established by the Board of Education.

A patron may be removed immediately from MSPL without warning if his or her presence or conduct on the premises poses an immediate and imminent danger to any person or property.  Law enforcement officers may be called to assist.

A library patron who violates any of these Standards of Behavior will be subject to the consequences described below.  Violation of the laws or ordinances of the U.S. government, State of Michigan, and City of Munising will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.  In addition, a library patron who damages, destroys, or steals any library material or a part of the facility will be required to pay restitution and/or be subject to criminal prosecution.

The library staff will keep a written log of contact with a library patron who violates one or more of these Standards of Behavior.  In the case of a minor, the minor’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) may be contacted by the Munising City Police Department.

  • First offense: the violator leaves the library for the remainder of the day.
  • Second offense: the violator leaves the library, and library privileges are revoked for one month.
  • Third offense:  the violator leaves the library, and library privileges are revoked for six (6) to twelve (12) months, at the discretion of the Library Director.

Appeals Process for Accused Offenders of this Policy

A library patron who feels he/she has been wrongly accused of violating the Standards of Behavior for a first or second offense may appeal to the Library Director by scheduling an appointment to meet at a convenient time for both parties.  A library patron who has been issued a third offense may appeal by sending a letter to the Board of Education of the Munising Public Schools by U.S. Mail or other delivery service.  The letter must be received no more than fourteen (14) days after the third offense is issued.  The appeal will be presented to the Board of Education at its next regularly scheduled meeting.


1 Munising Middle/High School Policies #5000 - Students.

2 Munising Middle/High School Policies #7217 – Weapons (last revision 6/22/2016).

3 Michigan Compiled Law 380.1451