Library Service Information

  • Public access computers are free for cardholders to use. Non cardholders can purchase a 3 hour guest pass for $1. We have free Wi-Fi access, come to the circ desk and the staff will issue you a password. (Donations Welcome)
  • A copy machine is available at the library. Patrons may make their own copies for .15 cents each. Copies are .25 cents for double sides. Color copies are $1.00 per page.
  • All computers have the ability to print in both black and white and color. prices are the same as the copier prices.
  • Fax service is $1.00 per page to send and .50 cents per page to receive. US numbers only.
  • Test Proctering is available with prior arrangement. Please contact the Library Director for set up and fee.
  • Genealogy Lookups have a minimum $5.00 suggested donation fee.
  • A flat bed scanner and a multi page scanner are available for public use. The is no fee to scan.
  • Laminating 8 x 11 sheet $2.50
Munising School Public Library