Student Online Reading App (SORA)

How does it work?

SORA provides the quickest and easiest way to get started with digital titles from your school. Students can simply log in using their school login and instantly access ebooks and audiobooks on virtually any device. Get started today at or download the free Sora app for Android or iOS. All you need to do is select your school (Munising Public School District or Superior Central School District) and sign in with the student login that you use for school. Once you do so, the books are ready to be checked out! There are several hundred ebooks and audiobooks available in SORA and thousands more through the Public Library Connect when you add the Great Lakes Digital Library from MSPL.
Where can I find more information?

Call the Munising Library! We will be happy to help you connect with SORA and also with the digital books available from the public library’s app LIBBY. In addition to the digital books we have tons of great new books for you and your students to enjoy here in the library. Call 906-387-2125, or stop in and see what we have to offer your student and you.

Lisa Cromell
Library Director
Munising School Public Library

Munising School Public Library